Moment 02: Photo Shooting DA50 from Diamond AIRCRAFT

Photographing an extraordinary aircraft of Diamond AIRCRAFT DA50 from deliberately extreme perspectives and viewing directions with the spectrum of complementary colors through the use of color gels with the power of flashlights. 

It was a very special project which should emphasize the strong character and the dynamic as well as the power and beauty of the aircraft DA 50.

Diamond Aircraft, headquartered in Austria with facilities in Canada and China, is amongst the leading aircraft manufacturer in General Aviation. Founded in 1981, Diamond has pioneered many aviation firsts and achieved numerous milestones and industry expert accolades.

Today, Diamond Aircraft has more than 1,000 employees worldwide and offers the most complete range of certified piston aircraft models: from the 2 seat single DA20 to the stunning 7 seat DA62. With its complete line of piston aircraft including a dedicated flight training concept with Single Engine Piston (DA40 NG) and Multi Engine Piston (DA42-VI) trainers, along with type-specific flight training simulators and proprietary engines, Diamond Aircraft is the only sole source provider in the fleet training market. Diamond Aircraft also made a footprint in the special mission market with the remote sensing turnkey solutions DA42 MPP and DA62 MPP and the soon to be certified aerobatic turboprop tandem trainer series DART.






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Moment 01: Hollywood Style -Fotografie & Bildentwicklung im Cinema Look


Dieses Foto wurde im Hollywood Cinema Colour Style im 16:9 Format  entwickelt. Der typische Hollywood Cinema Look zeichnet sich durch  eine Verteilung der komplementär Farben (oben Grün-blau, mitte orange-rosa, unten grün)  über das ganze Bild aus.  


Besonders bei Aufnahmen am Abend oder Dämmerung und bunten Lichtsituationen  kommt dieser Look  den Hollywood Filmen sehr nahe . Man kennt diesen Look vor allem aus Filmszenen , die am Abend , bei Dämmerung , Abendlichter  durch die Filmstudios zum Einsatz kommt. Insbesondere bei düsteren Dramen , spannenden Thriller und  Gangsterfilmen.






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